3D Laser Scanning
ASES implement the use of Leica and Faro technologies with integrated high definition cameras to deliver highly precise laser scanning. ASES have…
View ServiceThe ability to accurately tender for a groundworks/earthworks project or price for material to be hauled off site.
The cost of a single lorry load of soil or crushed concrete is high, incorrect volumes can have enormous cost implications. Technology helps eliminate this error by measuring to a tight tolerance crush concrete (post demolition) or earth volumes using a Totalstation and onboard pinpoint reflector-less technology. The adoption of 3D laser scanning and more recently UAV’s (drone) enables surfaces to be scanned more densely, remotely reducing the risks of traversing the surface of a stockpile by foot.
Results can be visualised as a 3D wireframe with values correct to under a cubic meter.
Although the output of the survey can be in 2D or 3D , depending on requirements, all data collected on site is in 3D, allowing Digital Terrain models to be created for analyses, eg, sections.
ASES implement the use of Leica and Faro technologies with integrated high definition cameras to deliver highly precise laser scanning. ASES have…
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